We provide the best A Level Chemistry notes, which you can download to help with exam preparation and revision. Our resources cover the entire Chemistry 9701 syllabus, including theoretical concepts, practical applications, and analytical techniques, ensuring students are fully prepared for assessments.
A Level Chemistry Syllabus
Physical Chemistry:
- Advanced chemical energetics and electrochemistry.
- Complex equilibria and reaction kinetics.
Inorganic Chemistry:
- In-depth study of Group 2 elements.
- Chemistry of transition elements.
Organic Chemistry:
- Advanced introduction to A Level organic chemistry.
- Elaborate study of hydrocarbons, halogen compounds, and hydroxy compounds.
- Detailed exploration of carboxylic acids and derivatives, and nitrogen compounds.
- Complex polymerization and organic synthesis.
- Advanced analytical techniques.
Practical Skills:
- Advanced practical skills development.
Cambridge International has created a syllabus that is relevant to the modern chemistry landscape. You can find more information about the 9701 syllabus and other resources on their official website
9701 A Level Exams
The A Level assessment builds on the AS level assessment. The A level candidate must have a good understanding of the AS level content. The A level examination consists of two papers, Paper 4, and Paper 5.
Paper 4: A Level Structured Questions (2 hours, 100 marks)
Assesses A Level syllabus content, including AS Level knowledge.
Consists of structured questions.
Contributes 38.5% to the A Level grade.
Paper 5: Planning, Analysis and Evaluation (1 hour 15 minutes, 30 marks)
Assesses experimental skills of planning, analysis, and evaluation.
Context may be outside the syllabus content.
Contributes 11.5% to the A Level grade.
Prepare for Your Exams with Confidence
One of the most effective ways to prepare for A Level Chemistry is by practicing past papers. Solving previous exam questions helps students familiarize themselves with exam patterns, improve time management, and identify areas where additional study is needed. We recommend regularly working through A Level Chemistry past papers alongside our comprehensive notes for the best results.
Final thoughts
Our A Level Chemistry notes provide clear, concise explanations, diagrams, and solved examples to make learning more effective. These notes are crafted to align with the 9701 syllabus, ensuring that you focus on the most relevant material for your exams. You can download the best chemistry notes and also all subject past papers from our website to aid your revision and improve your understanding of key concepts.